If you're planning to leave an abuser, here is a list of items you may want to considering gathering in a safe place before you escape.
1. Birth certificates.
2. Credit cards, ATM cards and PIN numbers.
3. Checks.
4. Small valuables you could sell if need be.
5. A post office box or safe address where you can forward your mail.
6. Phone calling card.
7. Prepaid cell phone or a cell phone with a new contract and number.
8. Your address book or cell phone contacts.
9. Current medications and prescriptions for yourself and your children.
10. Pet purchase, maintenance and medical records, plus leash.
11. Eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids and any other medical devices.
12. Car, house, and other important keys.
13. Clothing.
14. Personal journals, images and other evidence proving abuse.
15. Small toys or books for your children.
16. Cash and prepaid credit cards that can’t be traced.
17. Car title, registration, and insurance documentation.
18. Social security cards for yourself and your children.
19. Driver’s license and/or passports.
20. W2s and paystubs.
21. Work permits.
22. Government benefits card.
23. Green card or immigration papers.
24.Marriage, divorce and custody papers.
25.Legal protection or restraining orders.
26. Records of any police reports you have filed.
27. Health insurance cards and medical records.
28. Your children’s school records.
29.Immunization records.
30. Financial records and bank account numbers.
31. Apartment rental agreement, or house deed.
32. Keepsakes.
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